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None of us got where we are solely by pulling ourselves up by our bootstraps. We got here because somebody - a parent, a teacher, an Ivy League crony or a few nuns - bent down and helped us pick up our boots.


Thurgood Marshall



It's my honor to serve as your Pierce County Superior Court Judge since being first appointed and then elected by the voters in 2023. I bring the experience of someone already serving in this role as well as my lifelong passion for justice. I was fortunate to have an upbringing that taught me two core values. First, everyone –no matter their background or familiarity with the law – deserves justice. Second, the best way to ensure justice is by creating a world where everyone is treated with dignity and given a fair chance. These are the values I bring to the Pierce County bench.


Too many of us have experienced the justice system as slow or unresponsive to our concerns. Right now our courts are working to address a backlog of cases - work that I'm proud to say we're making progress in. From my work with domestic violence victims to my service on the Superior Court, I have never forgotten that
local courts can have a life-changing impact. It is my honor to deliver justice for my Pierce County neighbors. The trust of the community is essential to a strong justice system. Every day, I work to earn
that sacred trust.

Compassion. Integrity. Accountability.


As Judge, I am committed to eliminating barriers to the legal system and ensuring everyone has equal access to justice. As part of that mission, I will deliver fair and just outcomes for all parties, whatever the circumstance may be that have brought them to court. Everybody in my courtroom will be treated with dignity and will be given a full and fair opportunity to be heard. 



As a judge, my primary responsibility is to impartially apply the law to the facts of each case, without favoritism. My personal opinions have no bearing on my judicial decisions. I will approach each case with humility, recognizing the role of precedents set by my colleagues, and maintain an open-minded attitude, actively seeking the input of my fellow judges. I will approach each case with an open mind, and make my decisions based solely on the evidence presented and the principles of the rule of law.



As a public servant, I am dedicated to being a responsible steward of the taxpayers' dollars in my care as a Pierce County official. I will work diligently and efficiently to ensure that all cases are handled appropriately. I will communicate openly and transparently with the public, and strive to continuously improve trust in the bench by actively seeking outside perspectives and being responsive to requests for information

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